The creators of the Epolence™ crystal elixir range are twin souls Kevin and Victoria. We are both Divine Light Warriors and Workers, here as so many of us are, at this auspicious time in humanity, to support the ascension into the Golden Age.

These elixirs are part of what we have chosen to gift to you all. We are both practiced energy healers. Kevin is a Reiki Master, Psychic Intuitive, Energy Clearer (home/work) and Past Life Regressionist. Victoria is a Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Shamanic Healer, Psychic Intuitive, Energy Clearer, Soul/Galactic Healer as well as a Womb Healer, which in part constitutes sacred Goddess activation and alignment. We have both worked with crystals for many years, as well as many lifetimes, and we each hold deep reverence for these wise and ancient lifeforms. We are both so excited to share their healing with you all. We have been guided along the 5 year creation process by the very wise and knowledgeable Maggie Vrinda Ross, an exceptional Healer and a Crystal Master. She has been kind enough to proof our recipes, and assist us to achieve all we have. Deeply beloved St. Germain, we are so grateful, for your holding a space for the crystals and elixirs, and for bringing us into and supporting us, as we have moved into the Age of Aquarius universally. You are a true Gem, and a friend of the dearest kind. Wise Master, we love you.

This is a link to a meditation where we access St. Germain’s Flame, as part of the Seven Sacred Flames, as part of our daily routine

Divine Mother Earth, Divine Source, Divine Crystal Kingdom (and rocks), Divine Deeply Beloved Humanity, you are our reasons. This is inspired by you, that you may all be blessed all days of you eternal existence here on the Golden Mother. We did it!!!!!!! We have brought about the Golden Age. Our courageous and unfailing beings have triumphed over all illusions and oppressors for the last time on our Sacred Mother. Welcome home to yourselves. You made it. We made it. Let’s keep going. The closer we get to love, the more joy and peace exists. That sounds worthwhile to me.


The Epolence™ energy orb paintings were created by both Kevin and Victoria, and have been with amazing patience, commitment and creative mastery brought into digital form by the beautiful Elizabeth Sandland (also an amazing healer). She has also been the creative force behind the logo and the completion of the labels themselves. We have so much gratitude for you beloved Elizabeth, you have been amazing and we would not have gotten half as far without your incredible support. Each energy Orb has been created with the intention of supporting the healing pathway of, and complimenting the energetic blueprint of the elixirs. Each artwork may be meditated with for a more expanded/deeper journey with the elixir, or simply as an insight into the intention behind each blend.

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