Crystals allow multi-dimensional cellular healing by reflecting to the body the perfection of its’ sacred geometrical patterns and frequencies. This discourse of energy between forms, holds a space for the human to align with its sacred divinity. Crystal elixirs assist this process by sending their own unique healing frequencies/properties, as well as sacred codex/information into the water bath (indirect method used across the range) that they are placed in. This process is amplified by working with the beautiful feminine energy of the Sun, and the heart of the Divine Creator within her. The water is able to hold this vibratory pattern long term by using distilled water.
With elixirs every single cell of the body and all fields and spheres may integrate the messages and codex of the crystals, when taken over an extended period of time. Orally taking the elixirs enhances this healing process. Crystal elixirs have the capacity to bring healing and harmony across the spectrum, for soul, emotional, mental, physical, and energetic platforms and planes.
Each elixir holds a space for the expansion of all cells from the most fundamental levels outward, into the spheres and fields, to the quantum level of consciousness/oneness. If you’re open to this level of shifting and integration within then take the Epolence™ Journey.
This integration and expansion allows for Divine Perfection to be restored. This is part of ascension.
Each elixir should be taken for no more then 3-6 consecutive months, unless in the case of chronic conditions. Between taking different elixirs we recommend considering a resting/break time from them. This may be 1-4 weeks or longer if you feel necessary. Please listen to and trust your own inner guidance with this, and your personal experiences along this journey. The exceptions to all of this, are the daily elixirs of ‘Archangel Michael’s Protection’® and ‘Entering the Ether’® for sleep. Every other elixir having been created to be administered individually (or in harmony with the latter two) to create maximum benefit as a comfortable walk home to self, not a run for your life. This measured journey allows each specific blend to create maximum benefit from the body physical all the way out to the subtle bodies. And will support more gentle healing, than to take many at once and create overwhelm.
The creators of Epolence™ have blended each elixir to help facilitate powerful yet gentle healing. With this is mind, in any healing journey, for true healing to occur, there must be energetic shifts, which some people may find uncomfortable. Our best suggestion is to let go with grace of all that no longer serves you well, as this surrender allows the space to open for expansion.
Heart centeredness, grounding and working physically with the Sun will also help you to achieve your own healing intentions, as facilitated by this space.
There is only one journey within the range that we strongly recommend against taking first which is the ‘I AM for Higher-Self Connection’®. No matter how advanced, or healed you may feel, this is not a starting place. This elixir is only to be taken after 3-4 successfully and relatively easy complete journeys with other blends in the range. Please act out of your own wisdom with deciding when and/if you are ready for this journey. As the label says, rapid healing symptoms may occur, we have experienced all of this first hand. ‘I AM for Higher-Self Connection’®, has been designed to be facilitated when all other blockages to your eternal self have been removed and when you are genuinely ready to ground the magnitude of your being, which in no circumstance should be underestimated. Honour your soul with wisdom, and listen to it, it will guide you home in divine timing.