Affirmation – With Dosing:

‘I am grounded and present in this moment of my journey.’



Quantity Price Per Item
2 $35.00
3-20 $30.00

the Blend

  • Aurora Quartz
  • Boji Stones
  • Mookaite Jasper
  • Lepidolite
  • Bronzite
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Rose Quartz
  • Petrified Wood
  • Green Aventurine
  • Moss Agate
  • Apache Tears
  • Red Jasper
  • Hematite

About the Blend

Affirmation-With Dosing: ‘I Am grounded and present in this moment of my journey.’

The intention of ‘Earth Star Connection’® is to bring you into the gentle soft knowing & tenderness of your divinely perfect body so you may comfortably expand within divine timing into all you are. ‘Earth Star Connection’® helping to align spinal column, overcome trauma, loosen and center base, and in time, if used in good practice, assist Kundalini Rise. Created with the intention to protect your sacred vessel and bring it into synchronicity, harmony and flow with love and your infinite I AM self. The Ancient Mother of us all wills us to become one with our destiny and therefore with her. Her gentle wise knowing, the most auspicious guide on her rugged & rough but honest and divinely beautiful platforms. She knows your feet, your hands, your heart, your every intention. We are all here at this time to receive her teachings and to show the grace and reciprocal love in which they are held. To ground with her is to return home, and paradoxically also to fully ascend up. She is the greatest healer of us all, along with Divine Source. Honour and love your sacred vessel so much you embody your divine immortal soul here. That act alone is worth the lifetimes of lessons which we have all lived to come to this finale, of divine love’s truth in human existence. Love of your humanness in all of its’ awesomeness, imperfection, craziness, its wild & free, in its’ still, in its’ all and honour of the gift of life your body is. Never, besmirch the Divine’s creation you are. You are perfect in imperfection.

Now ground your beautiful back-side here and let and the Mother of us all, Love you up.

We love and thank you, Earth Mother Gaia, for unwavering support of our ascension. I thank all light workers, including all elementals, who are here healing Gaia so that she may ascend. Welcome the Golden Age of Gaia and of us all.

‘The Earth Mother sings to me,
Ancient Whisper, Hidden Tongue.

She sings of days of old, and the Golden World as it becomes.

She sings of the Stars, the Multiverse,
and the Divine Worlds beneath her crust.

And in every whisper, the underlying tone,
The sweetness of True Love.’

– Victoria Krause

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