Affirmation – With Dosing:

‘May I always be open to all opportunities on the horizon.’



Quantity Price Per Item
2 $35.00
3-20 $30.00

The Blend

  • Aurora Quartz
  • Moonstone
  • Lepidolite
  • Carnelian
  • Limestone
  • Rose Quartz
  • Hiddenite
  • Ox Stone
  • Citrine
  • Stibnite
  • Selenite
  • Blue Lace Agate
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Peridot
  • Crysoberyl

About the Blend

Affirmation- with dosage: ‘May I always be open to all opportunities on the horizon’

‘Another Door Opens’® has been made with the intention to support you in new energetic beginnings of any kind. To take a leap of faith, in all of your own personal journeys; new lover, new home, new career path; or whatever it is your path dictates and your soul calls for.

‘Another Door Opens’® supports positivity in outlook, working to dissipate negativity and fear. Encouraging you to be guided by your heart and assisting the opening of the throat, so truth is able to be shared more easily. Crystals have also been added to boost belief in the success of your endeavors and bring in calm and good luck.

Epolence™ has also accommodated for endings in its’ ‘Another Door Opens’® blend, as often when we seek a new horizon in life, or a new door opening, some, if not many, may need to be shut first. We have created this blend to assist in making both more seamless, to allow for easier transition from endings to beginnings.

Blessings to you whatever your journey may be.

We now find ourselves in a universe of dramatic transformation and change, we have witnessed galactic and planetary realignment, as well as the evolutionary change of humankind.

But, in order for there to be rebirth, there must also be transformation.

This is not a joy ride (although gratitude and joy help). This is a serious soul integration, and by so, sometimes uncomfortable.

But this is!!!! The time of the ascension of the peoples of Gaia, as well as of our Ancient Mother herself. We are in the Golden Age.

Time is moving more quickly now; it is also expanding which means that we feel many more dimensions all at the same time. For ease of transition, treat yourself with loving gentleness and move a little more slowly if necessary. Be in the moment as much as possible this is best achieved, as all things are, through the heart.

“The door”, in the adjoining poem goes to the heart and the soul. The heart and soul connect to the whole universe; surrender to it. It knows your ancient name and face; it calls you home. It is also symbolic of the shifts now taking place on our ancient and loving planet. From the limited and trapping ego, to the infinite and fearless unity, of heart centered soul knowing; which, within, the ego too, gets to expand into infinite magnificence. This is the beauty of our Divine design.

‘I was shown a door. A door of infinite possibilities.

Beyond the door; was the whole Universe, waiting to greet me.

The place from which I was shown the door, had long since lost anything that would contribute to growth.

But there was something which led me to faulter, that stopped me, from seizing my destiny with both hands right there and then.

A small voice of doubt, that had lingered within me an estimated lifetime.

Too long, I had stood, casting as the eight of swords, able to be freed, if she would only just open her eyes. Self-imposed madness.

But then, I remembered. I Am bigger than an idea, and I step forward into the light.’

– Victoria Krause

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