Affirmation – With Dosing:
‘I Am more than worthy of my own love and the love of others.’
Quantity | Price Per Item |
2 | $35.00 |
3-20 | $30.00 |
the Blend
About the Blend
Affirmation- with dosage: ‘I Am more than worthy of my own love and the love of others.’
Love is the best healer of all and the heart heals more easily when it is open.
Treat yourself, with softness, truth and gentle loving kindness and see what new worlds open up for you. Know you’re worthy of love, and most of all, your own love.
Our bodies, our minds, our souls and our hearts all long to be the embodiment of divine love they have been created to be. Epolence™ wishes you miracles of loves healing through ‘Nurture Me’®.
Blessed be, Beloved Divine, Beloved Divine, Beloved Divine.
When we gift ourselves love, we liberate ourselves. We can become complete and whole in our being.
Don’t be afraid to tell yourself that you love yourself daily, and more often when you feel it. Be open to loving you, in whatever way your heart and soul needs. Meet your deepest essence with the infinite love that it holds for you.
Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable, open with yourself, for the rewards are beautiful.
Above all else be truthful with self, this is a very important key.
Don’t be afraid to feel any blocks to love within you, know that when you feel them, you have achieved the first step to releasing them. The more you hold an intention for these blocks to transform through loves’ divine force, the more you will become whole with your divine energetic blueprints.
Know yourself to be love, and you will know yourself in your truest form.
Love has the power to transform even the darkest shadows of self. When we choose to hold a space of genuine love and non-judgement for healing within ourselves, we have the capacity to create and witness our own miracles of transformation.
To love in the face of all things is the greatest act of courage there is. ‘Nurture Me’® is to support your journey to true self-love and your own becoming.
‘A bridge of light,
I’m guided across.
By ancient song of Love and Loss.
To nurture my shadows.
To love my fears whole.
I see all that is me.
I see, I AM the all.
So I don’t fear my darkness.
I don’t fear my light.
I shatter all told mistruth,
And judgements realign.
I forgive, to become whole.
I let go, of the past.
I leave behind, what doesn’t serve.
I Am Free.
I Am whole.
At Last.
I surrender to my heart’s truth.
To its’ Divine Eternal Knowing.
I let its’ love flow through me.
And surrender all masks to my becoming.’
– Victoria Krause