Affirmation – With Dosing:
‘I Am awakening to my divine infinite nature.’
‘The Awakening Blend’® is created with crystals which encourage the beginning phases of activation of the higher self and its’ knowing.
Blended with the intention of helping you to open and unveil to the multi-dimensional nature of the platform we exist on, and your higher ‘I AM’ being, and simultaneously working to ground this energy.

Affirmation – With Dosing:
‘I Am guarded by the highest light in the universe; I stand and walk forward fearlessly.’
The intention of the combined crystals in ‘Archangel Michael’s Protection Blend’® is to act as a metaphysical shield against everything from electromagnetic smog, to black-magic.
Perfect for healers, and/or those, beautifully sensitive among us.

Affirmation – With Dosing:
‘I Am grounded and present in this moment of my journey.’
The intention of ‘Earth Star Connection’® is to bring you into the gentle, soft knowing and tenderness of your Divinely perfect body so you may comfortably expand within Divine timing into all you are.
Helping you to feel safe here if you are a star seed.
And bringing in the deep love of the mother of us all.

‘I Am and always have been enough’
To walk in the confidence of your souls truth you must first know who you are as a soul/essential self.
‘I Believe in Who I AM’® has been created with the healing intention to help you to have the confidence to know yourself, in all your authenticity.
And to live fearlessly in this ultimate knowing of self.

‘I Am more than worthy of my own love and the love of others.’
Our bodies, minds, hearts and souls, all long to be the embodiment of Divine Love they have been created to be.
When we gift ourselves love, we liberate ourselves.
To love yourself in the face of all things is the single greatest act of courage that there is.

‘May I always be open to all opportunities on the horizon.’
‘Another Door Opens’® has been made with the intention of supporting you in new energetic beginnings of any kind.
To take a leap of faith, in all your own personal journeys; new lover, home, career path; or whatever it is your soul calls for.
It has also been blended to support personal transition within the Golden Age we are now walking.

Affirmation – With Dosing:
‘You have seen my descent, now watch my rising.’
– Rumi
So many Love and Light Blessings to all who are brave enough to walk the inner journey to Rebirth.
It is part of the Sacred rites of passage to your Eternal Freedom in the Light and the Ascension of your Soul.
Know the shadows are there, so we may see how bright and courageous we really are.
Keep Shining.
I Love you all.

Affirmation – With Dosing:
‘I am not a product of those who have wronged me, I succeed despite them.’

‘Lover, let us love each other whole, so we may again be the love we are.’

‘I surrender to restful, restorative, peaceful sleep.’
Entering The Ether® has been blended with crystals to both help protect you while you travel the cosmos as well as assisting you to shift all those things keeping you awake at night, busy mind and the like.
10 drops ½ hour before sleep, not twice daily.
Sweet dreams and safe travelling.

Affirmation – With Dosing:
‘I Am the Divine Creator remembering myself once more.’