You may browse our website without any data being collected from you. We do not automatically collect personal data about you. We do not collect information about you from other sources, such as public records, bodies, or private organisations.

We do not share any personal data with any 3rd part organisation or institution, except for the purposes of processing your order as detailed above, or if required to do so by law. makes a commitment to protecting your privacy and promises only to use information collected about you in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

When you place an order, we may ask you for specific information and you may submit personal data to (for example your name, phone number, postal address, email address, contact and bank/credit card details.

This information will be kept securely in accordance with our internal security policy and may be used to:

  • Process your order
  • Provide you with an up-to-date, efficient, and reliable service
  • By making an order and submitting your data you agree to this use.
  • We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent.

Please get in touch with us with any other questions that you have, that you feel are not covered here, at

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