Affirmation – With Dosing:

‘I Am and always have been enough.’



Quantity Price Per Item
2 $35.00
3-20 $30.00

the Blend

  • Aurora Quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Mahogany Obsidian
  • Malachite
  • Purple Jasper
  • Blue Lace Agate
  • Baha Agate
  • Sunstone
  • Citrine
  • Pyrite
  • Azurite

About The Blend

Affirmation-with dosage: ‘I Am and always have been enough.’

Believing in self; is knowing that you are capable and worthy of embodying your truest divine essence. Beyond words and doubts of others or illusions of the world. Until your heart and souls knowing is your guide for your opinion of self, as well as your compass for all things.

To walk in the confidence of your souls’ truth you must first, know who you are as a soul/essential self. ‘I Believe in Who I AM’® has been created with the healing intention to help you to have the confidence to know yourself, in all of your authenticity.

‘I Believe in Who I AM’® supports this knowing to become reality predominantly through the empowerment of the solar plexus/Sun Centre of the body; the anchoring point of the universe you are. For this reason, it has been blended with the intention of helping you to connect to the light deities of the Sun. Including Beloved Divine Ra. Our beautiful Sun, having gone through many recent activations herself, is more radiant/effulgent than ever. Working with her and the Sun Deities will help you to heal all which inhibits you from standing in your own power, without doubt or fear of yourself. so that you may walk with ease and grace within your world.

‘Embody your heart and souls’ infinite knowing,
Gentle but strong.

When we truly listen, all fear is gone.

We walk our truth, Undoubting.

I looked for a lifetime,
To find myself.

Then I looked inside,
Who AM I, I asked?

The answer came back,
I AM the Divine.’

– Victoria Krause

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