Affirmation – With Dosing:

‘You have seen my descent,
now watch my rising.’

– Rumi



Quantity Price Per Item
2 $35.00
3-20 $30.00

the Blend

  • Aurora Quartz
  • Apache Tears
  • Variscite
  • Obsidian
  • Sunstone
  • Hematit
  • Danburite
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Hiddenite
  • Stibnite
  • Morganite
  • Bronzite
  • Golden Calcite
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Smithsonite
  • Selenite
  • White Sapphire

About the Blend

Affirmation- with dosage: ‘You have seen my descent, now watch my rising.’ Rumi.

The phoenix embodies physically our cycles of metaphysical rebirth. Only once we’ve hit “rock bottom”, do we truly understand what it is.

To rebirth and rebuild from this space, may seem impossible. At times along this journey, it may appear to be. That doesn’t mean it’s all over, there is still reason for every man, woman and child, to have hope.

The journey isn’t made of one step; but the first to rebirth from this space is the conscious choice, that you no longer wish to stay there. Then a path out is able to be cleared. Stay in your heart as much as possible. I know it seems hard in this space, but it helps to get out of it quicker. Know your soul will never face anything more than it has the capacity to overcome.

Trust the renewal process of your soul as it ventures its’ shadows to clear them and bring them into unity, once and for all.

Bring in the Violet Flame of St. Germain, as Aurelia has shown us. Transform the space.

Aurelia Loise Jones ‘The Seven Sacred Flames’ available at

‘The Seven Sacred Flames’ meditation, available on Spotify here.

Find your hidden jewels of self, for they exist, even in the most unexpected places. Know that in the shadows, your treasures of self wait, for you to be fearless enough in self to claim them back. Only then can the cave holding the secrets and lost pieces of self be revealed, the fearlessness becomes the light to behold them; in this knowing, remember you will leave the space with far more than you came in with. You only journeyed that deep in self to do exactly that. Find the treasure, and get back out.

May you be as the phoenix and rebirth. ‘Rock Bottom Revitaliser’® has been created to support you to do just that. Through the heart, and with as much love as possible.

So many love and light blessings to all who are brave enough to walk the inner journey to rebirth. It is part of the sacred rites of passage to your eternal freedom in the light and the ascension of your soul. Know the shadows are there, so we may see how bright and courageous we really are. Keep Shining. We Love you all.

‘The Phoenix lived her final days,
But not a tear, did she cry.

For she knew the path she travelled, was Sacred;
Only Golden Rebirth in sight.

So she surrendered, all her old feathers,
Let them fall, one by one.

She loved what the life had taught her.

She loved what she had become.

Than to death, did she cross.

Not a fear in sight.

For she knew, it wasn’t the final stage.

That after death, there was new life.

So she travelled the ancient pathway within her.

Rebirthing whole, by Divine Light.

Eternal conqueror of death,
Immortal forever.

Fearless Lover of Death, Rebirth and New Life’

– Victoria Krause

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