The backbone of each elixir in the Epolence™ range is Aurora Quartz. As well as being a master healer crystal, it has become a second to none for the creators of the Epolence™ elixirs, in its healing abilities, especially as we walk as one in the Golden Age. Aurora Quartz is a bringer of deep peace, soul up healing and transformation across all fields and spheres. It assists higher vibrational frequencies to be brought in to purify all systems up to the highest level and supports all platforms of your being to come into their divine alignment. Vibrating in oneness with Unity Consciousness, this crystal also supports the expansion into the multi-dimensional nature of our infinite beings, with an exceptional amount of grace and gentleness.
Aurora Quartz is one of the master crystals present here at this significant time in humanity, to support its ascension, through the facilitation of the attainment of enlightenment. This glorious and wondrous crystal allows a deep and gentle surrender from the soul platform upward, to release all that has keep it from its ancient and eternal knowing. Helping to ground this essential truth through all levels of being, so that you may become one with self. Kundalini Rise/Sacred energy flow is also stimulated by this crystal, allowing us to reconnect our eternal Qi between Divine Earth and Source. With its extremely high vibration and its capacity for dramatic positive shifts we have ourselves been vastly changed by its frequency in our world and believe in its’ capacity to assist all who allow it to. Endless thanks to the two infinity beautiful yin/yang pieces who have graced us with their healing presence, and who have in selfless wisdom chosen to be bringers of Divine love and light for humanity.